You are invited to come visit Casa de Niños
Estás invitado a venir a Casa de Niños
Estás invitado a venir a Casa de Niños
Short-Term Mission Teams
Equipos Misioneros de corto plazo
Equipos Misioneros de corto plazo
We saw scriptures on walls, compassion in eyes, and joy on faces. Stories were heard of lives affected by the ministry of Casa de Ninos, and prayers were prayed with passion. We tasted food prepared by faith-filled, praying women with a heart to serve. Many hands were shaken and hugs all around. We, indeed, smelled the fragrant aroma of Christ wafting through the home. We said, 'Send me,' to serve however we could, all our senses were brought to life, and God blessed the efforts. Thank you, God, for those who have given their lives and hearts to the Lord and to Emanuel Mexico Mission.
Vimos escrituras en las paredes, ojos de compasión, rostros con gozo. Escuchamos historias de vidas afectadas por el ministerio de Casa de Niños, oramos oraciones con pasión. Comimos comida preparada por hermanas llenas de fe, mujeres de oración con un corazón para servir. Muchas manos fueron estrechadas y abrazos dados. Nosotros, en efecto, percibimos el fragante aroma de Cristo flotando por la casa. Dijimos, "Envíame a mí" a servir como sea que podamos, todos nuestros sentidos fueron traídos a vida y Dios bendice los esfuerzos. Gracias, Dios, por aquellos que han dado du vida y corazón al Señor y a Emanuel Mexico Mission. |
Our team had a wonderful visit to Casa de Niños and were blessed by the people of San Luis, the church members and staff. Their love and commitment for the abandoned, abused and homeless children was visible in everything they do. They serve God with all their hearts and are committed to provide a safe, Christ centered, and loving family environment for the children in their care. |
Bible College Internship
Internado para estudiantes de Colegios Bíblicos
Internado para estudiantes de Colegios Bíblicos
During our visit, we had the privilege to meet two amazing interns from a local bible college - Uriel and Samuel. What a blessing they were to the mission as well as to our team! Their love of God was visible in everything they did and we are sure they will be a blessing to God for years to come. |
Become a Partner of EMM!
LEVEL 1 Friend of EMM
Being a Friend of EMM means helping us through prayer, giving and activities that help share information about the EMM Mission. Here are some ideas on how you can be our friend:
Being a Partner is everything from LEVEL 1 Friend of EMM plus:
LEVEL 3 Sponsor/Mobilizer
Being a Sponsor/Mobilizer is everything from Level 1 Friend of EMM plus:
Being a Friend of EMM means helping us through prayer, giving and activities that help share information about the EMM Mission. Here are some ideas on how you can be our friend:
- Be a prayer warrior. Pray for:
- The ministries to be led and blessed by God,
- Staff protection from Satan's attack, and
- Financial support.
- Disadvantaged children of San Luis Potosi.
- Share the story and mission of EMM along with prayer, financial needs and celebrations.
- Volunteer for EMM activities:
- Forward/share EMM Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube posts when they are released,
- Use your talents to assist EMM when requested,
- Help with special events when they occur,
- Share information about EMM; digital links to our website, handout/email brochures/postcards to contacts, and
- Provide contact names for EMM to send mailers.
- Give to EMM.
Being a Partner is everything from LEVEL 1 Friend of EMM plus:
- Give greater than $100/month,
- Share information about EMM at your church, with a small group, etc.,
- Serve at EMM for a short-term mission trip.
LEVEL 3 Sponsor/Mobilizer
Being a Sponsor/Mobilizer is everything from Level 1 Friend of EMM plus:
- Give greater than $200/month,
- Share information about EMM and invite others to give financially,
- Organize trips to EMM to serve for a short term mission trip.